Gas vs Charcoal Grill: Things You Need to Know When Buying a Grill

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There are many good points, and even more opinions, in the great Gas vs Charcoal debate. BBQ is favoured thanks to the unique flavours it brings, and the best methods to do so are hotly contested.


If you aren’t quite the dedicated griller, but eager to learn more the variations of gas and charcoal BBQs available as you choose your dream Weber grill, then read to learn about the pros and cons of each side. Rest assured the range of top quality grills from Oasis Outdoor Living can satisfy your needs, whatever your decision!

Give me that smokey flavour

One of the main differences between charcoal and gas BBQs is the type of smoke that emanates from them, seeping into the meat and flavouring the food. While charcoal grills are naturally better suited to create a smoky flavour, thanks to the natural materials being burnt, the reality is not so one sided.


By adding wood or other smoking materials to your grill you can create a delicious BBQ taste from either gas or charcoal. In fact, the more important element is the temperature and length of time you cook your meat for. So whether you choose a portable charcoal Weber BBQ from Perth or a robust gas BBQ like the Weber Genesis, rest assured the outcome will be delicious!

Searing the surface

When it comes to cooking on a grill, the focus is largely on texture as well as flavour. Delivering a sharp sear to a piece of quality meat can produce amazing outcomes. It’s why most families here in Western Australia BBQ at home as often as they can! 


Based on searing alone, charcoal could seem a clear winner thanks to its abilities to get much hotter for home cooks than some gas grills, a must-have for a quality scorch on that steak. However, thanks to the amazing advances in BBQ technology, a Weber gas BBQ in Perth can deliver a dark, all-over sear, offering a constituency in cooking that’s tough to match. 

Classic cooking vs convenience 

For many BBQ purists, charcoal is the be all and end all of good grilling. Choosing a solid Weber portable charcoal BBQ from our Perth store means having a durable grill with you no matter your location, with no sacrifice to quality of cooking. The downsides, however, is how messy charcoal can be, and the difficulties in monitoring the temperature. 


Gas grilling has a convenience and ease that has led it to surpass charcoal BBQs for many people. The safe control of flame and temperature makes it a good choice for the novice cook, and the extensive range of Weber gas BBQs here in Perth offer something for everyone. The durable Weber Genesis is built to last the seasons, with the Weber Spirit range providing a streamlined style of gas cooking without sacrificing quality. 

Weber gas and charcoal grills in Perth

Whether you decide you are a gas grilling enthusiast or a charcoal BBQ purist, the top quality line of Weber BBQs available from us here at Oasis Outdoor Living will have the style, size, and price to suit your needs. For more information on our Perth Weber gas BBQs and charcoal grill BBQs contact us today or call into our Midland or Nedlands locations to see the selection for yourself.

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